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by armand@redseptember.co.za | Oct 26, 2020 | Uncategorized | 1 comment
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Risk factors:
Apologies ladies but the lifetime risk of you experiencing urinary tract discomfort is more than 50% and you are more likely to experience urinary discomfort if you have suffered from it previously4a.
You heard the instruction ‘always wipe from the front to the back after using the loo’. There is a good reason for doing so ladies.
Your bottom and the opening of the urethra are close to each other so there is always a risk that bacteria can get from your bottom into your urethra1c.
Take a look at your urinary tract system:
Men are at lower risk than women, given that bacteria need to travel further up, as men have longer urethras (the duct that leads to the bladder)
Risk factors:
Urinary tract discomfort is more common in older men due to15c:
Risk factors:
Some ladies may be more prone to urinary tract discomfort because of the shape of their urinary tract.
Risk factors:
If you experience urinary tract discomfort during your pregnancy it is important to speak to your doctor about your condition.
Risk factors:
After menopause, a decline in circulating oestrogen causes changes in the urinary tract and can make you more vulnerable to urinary tract discomfort2c.
Risk factors:
When the rectum is filled with stools it can place pressure on or even block the bladder so that it can’t empty properly. Urine left in the bladder can lead to bacterial growth that can lead to discomfort10b,c.
Treat constipation promptly. Your child should have at least one soft bowel movement per day. Getting your child to eat high fibre foods, being physically active and drinking fluids (especially water)10e.
Risk factors:
A steamy night with your partner could end up as a painful session in the loo the next day. Sexual intercourse is one of the most common ways that bacteria can be introduced into your urinary tract1d.
High amounts of friction and certain positions (such as the woman on top) may promote urinary tract discomfort4d.
Having a new sexual partner can also increase your risk2b.
Flavoured condoms and lubricants are also a no-no as they are infused with sugars that promote bacterial growth and flavourings that cause irritation5c.
Sexual activity poses a major risk for teens of both sexes, which explains why urinary tract discomfort is so common during adolescence. Sexually active adolescent girls are at the most risk for urinary tract discomfort12b. Teen girls experience urinary tract discomfort for the same reasons that adult women do12a.
Risk factors:
Birth Control
Diaphragms and cervical caps can put pressure on your urethra, making it harder to completely empty your bladder. When urine stays in the bladder, the risk of bacteria growth increases.
Spermicide and spermicide condoms can disrupt the natural balance of good bacteria and cause an overgrowth of harmful bacteria3e.
Non lubricated condoms can also irritate your urinary tract1i.
If you are worried about urinary tract discomfort because of your birth control method, have a chat with your doctor about which options would be best for you.
Risk factors:
Medical Conditions
Risk factors:
Being less mobile
This is for a number of reasons:
[I need copy here – please assist]
Simple 2-step, relief and maintenance system
The URI-Kleer 5-day Pack contains a higher concentration of Hibiscus Flower Extract and is formulated to relieve lower urinary tract discomfort at the start of symptoms such as pain or burning sensation when weeing and the urge to wee frequently.
The URI-Kleer 5-day Pack is taken for 5 days, you take 2 capsules on the first sign of urinary discomfort and then 1 capsule once a day for the next 4 days until the course is finished.
Once you have completed the URI-Kleer 5-day Pack you can start using URI-Kleer Maintenance.
The URI-Kleer Maintenance Pack contains a blend of Hibiscus flower and Cranberry Extracts to assist in maintaining lower urinary tract health by helping to reduce the tendency for bacteria to grow in this area. URI-Kleer Maintenance is especially recommended for when you suffer frequently from urinary tract infections and you should take 1 capsule daily.
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